
For the past 20 years, I’ve wanted to create a web site or application that would provide an unaffiliated, independent social workspace for writers. Everything a writer needs to do between finishing a draft of their manuscript and selling or publishing the work is painful. There is no one place to go to find the finishing services writers may need – the cover illustrations, reading, editing, without wasted time searching for and evaluating results. Most opportunities for these services are scattered independent contractors or publishing houses or networks that an author may not want to use.

I’m going to provide access to professional readers. They will provide 2+ pages of meaningful commentary, not just a couple of lines and a thumbs up or down.

This still hasn’t been created, so I’m going to do it myself. And I’m going to need a village to help me out. Have you ever used one of those homeowner apps that helps you find electricians or painters? In this case the new application is going to be called Foreword – where your book starts. It will be independent and unaffiliated with any specific publishing groups. 

I’m going to provide access to professional readers. They will provide 2+ pages of meaningful commentary, not just a couple of lines and a thumbs up or down.

I’m going to provide freelance editors and they will be dedicated to editing your structure and/or your text with no strings attached to publishing houses.

I’m going to provide access to illustrators for children’s books and book covers. Artists, photographers and the rest of the village we need to get our manuscripts in shape.

This is where I’m trying to go with this:

Everybody can set their own rates, workload and schedule.

Everybody will configure a profile to advertise their specific manuscript services, targeted by genre and sub-genre, and/or word count or platform type if needed.

Everybody can share samples of their recent work as examples.

Everybody will be rated on a 5-star system.

When we get fully rolling, I intend to provide access to translation services, and even formatting services for complicated nonfiction books. Or maybe researchers to help with your nonfiction project? 

As a writer, you’ll be able to set up your account spanning multiple pen names if you need it to, and target the genre and sub genre for each of them. You can post links to things you’ve written online like a resume. I’m actively soliciting ideas at this point. What do you need help with? What is frustrating you right now? 

#writingcommunity #publishing #writing #editingservices #editingandproofreading #readingcommunity #illustrationart #illustration