Who were these factions?
The good news? Our planet is special. So special that they are fighting over us? I don’t know if that makes you want to swoon, or not. Earth is chock full of resources, but somebody out there is willing to fight for some reason up there.
What I’m saying is that I believe something had to have occurred or there’s no reason for the illustration or the text. It’s not asking for money, it’s not about politics, there’s nothing about your car’s extended warranty. Considering the subject matter, the commentary is as dry reading as what journalism used to be.
We are not ready
The problem is that ‘proof’ is never going to be enough to convert the purely skeptical. We have a hundred years of photos, video, film, aircraft pilot reports, reports from our own and foreign governments (both released and leaked), thousands of testimonials from pilots both military and civilian, sworn affidavits from government insiders, radar data - and still they want ‘proof’. Do you know who else refuses to acknowledge ‘proof’ when it is presented to them? The Flat Earth Society, whose members cling to their beliefs in the face of absolute science. No amount of proof is enough for either group. Perhaps instead we should focus our efforts on improving ourselves, instead of trying to prove minutiae that will not settle any discussion anyway.
The echoes of Ra’s voice
You have failed to guess the obvious. Perhaps we erred in selecting your forefathers. Perhaps we should have begun with simpler organisms. We see now that apes are too tribal. You kill each other over petty differences.We had thought a larger brain was required, and we did so. Yet you listen to the loudest voices of discord, passing your hatred down through generations as if your very DNA were contaminated.
Peek - a - boo!
If we can find planets in remote galaxies, couldn’t ETs in remote galaxies find us? I don’t think the ETs are hostile toward us. We’re still here, sitting on a pretty rock that is essentially a beacon into the darkness saying, “There’s life here”. If they wanted it, we would be a pink mist in the newly formed asteroid belt.