We are not ready

We have a hundred years of witness testimony, photos, film, video, radar data, airline and military pilot statements, documents declassified or leaked from the US government, and transparency from several other countries about what their experience has been. Even our astronauts have come back with stories. The problem is that ‘proof’ is never going to be enough to convert the professionally skeptical. And still they want ‘proof’, they point and giggle.

Do you know who else refuses to acknowledge ‘proof’ when it is presented to them? The Flat Earth Society, whose members cling to their beliefs in the face of absolute science. No amount of proof is enough for either group. 

While others debate, point fingers and pore over enlarged photos with magnifying glasses, I’m far more interested now in what this critical time in Earth’s history really means. How do we move forward? 

Homo Sapiens as a species is truly a mess. We have no planetary capital, no planetary monetary system, no planetary oversight to make sure individual nations keep their treaties and promises. On a planet-wide basis, we have weak rule of law that mostly amounts to gentlemen’s agreements called ‘treaties’ or ‘accords’. 

True, there are 193 countries in the UN. Even the UN tires of dealing with 193 sets of law, so why would the ETs want to deal with 193 sets of laws to communicate with us? Veto power in the Security Council is the most perfect means to make sure nothing gets accomplished, that has yet been invented. Our species has the ability to navigate the seas and sky. We’ve been to the moon, and we’ve sent probes far into space. All of this is the lowest possible bar that we could have achieved by now. We’ve been to the moon, but that was 50 years ago and we’ve not been back since. Why? We’ve been squabbling about technology, money, what to do when we get there - how to survive. I don’t think we have time to debate in order to arrive at a consensus on each and every detail of every possible matching bit of data, and then toss coins on whether it’s a real phenomena or not. Besides, the deep dark recesses of the USAPs, the boys are pumping out misinformation at a steady rate. They don’t have answers either - all they can do is point and giggle. 

Instead, I believe it is time that Homo Sapiens comes to terms with what is going on, and start making planet-wide species-driven decisions on how to move forward, and nobody is driving that conversation. I want to drive discussion on how we can finally reach adulthood as a species. The questions are too big to ignore, and the time may be short before we need to have some kind of plan before everything dissolves into endless discussions, incompatibilities, or worse.

We’ve had plenty of time to get our house in order over the past hundred years, but we’ve squandered that time with secrecy, stalling, and military/corporate obfuscation so that their pet (profitable!) projects keep cranking out more problems for our next generation to resolve. We need to start thinking in terms of how to keep Democracy when the forces of Fascism want to run things. How do we silence the conflict zones, and how we want to represent ourselves to the rest of the galaxy? Whether we can come out and play with our neighbors is in the balance, and secrecy is never in the public interest. 

I don’t believe we are staring Armageddon in the face. Instead, think of it as a huge coming-out party for Homo Sapiens! It’s time to join the rest of the cosmos - if we can drag ourselves across the last low bar and unite as a species. We’re being introduced to the galactic family, perhaps as the Apes instead of the Birdlike Men, the Lizard People, the Light Beings, the Grays, the Pleiadeians, or somebody from Andromeda. That’s our heritage - either embrace it or try to ignore it, but we’re the Apes. Our galactic cousins, no doubt, look peculiar to us, and they think we look a little weird, too. 

Homo Sapiens is the wild, unpredictable bunch of Naked Apes. We love to drink, get high, have sex, listen to our music too loudly, fight each other, and we love war! We build bigger and better bombs and delivery systems, and use war to improve our technologies. We mug each other daily (it’s called “Sales”) for a few dollars so we can buy food and pay the rent. We have an elite class that strongly feels a need to rule the world - but these are the parasites who have double and triple dipped their way into the illusion of power. True power rests in the hands of the people, the VOX POPULI who should be deciding the fate of our planet, because if we are not listened to we will have to get louder.

Would you give lethal weapons to the apes in the zoo? Would you let them out of their cage with those weapons? Would you invite them into your home? No, because the risk is too great. I get the vibe that the ETs look at us the same way. Why would they (the ETs) let us go out into the depths of space with a strong tendency to pick a fight, and then drop nuclear weapons if we don’t get our way? Nah, no thanks.

What are the planetary goals for 2025 or 2026? What do we as a species need to do to check off some boxes? Who is going to be in charge of communicating with these ETs? Earth has no capital, no bank account of her own, no planet-wide or species-wide leadership. Our main governing body, the UN, seems incapable of effectively directing peace initiatives.

The risk of not focusing on how to govern ourselves in the near future, is that the Fascists will be more than happy to govern us. When I say “Fascism”, I mean the military minded, ultranationalist, pro-corporate profit, anti-worker, repressive and oppressive end of the human spectrum, no matter where they are found. It isn’t a political party, it’s an attitude. They succeed by dictatorial power, suppression of dissent, and strong regimentation of society and the economy, often under a centralized, militaristic state. Does that sound familiar? Is that what you want?

There are nearly 8 billion of us on this beautiful blue marble, and we need to start working together. If we knew that important people were coming for a visit to our home, wouldn’t we make sure the beds are made, the porch is swept, the kitchen is clean and the spiderwebs swept up? The ETs are already here and have been for thousands or millions of years. We need to improve our game, clean up our stuff, and get ready for our coming-out party as a species.

If you think we need a broader discussion, buy me a coffee please? Thank you!

TJ Pontz

Just trying to find my place in the cosmos. Buy me a coffee please?



Who were these factions?


The echoes of Ra’s voice